“Stanztec again at last!”

The stamping technology experts extend their invitation to the Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology in Pforzheim from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. For the seventh time, the industry will deal with current topics covering all aspects of stamping and forming technology at this highly specialised expert event. Expert visitors from all over the world will experience high-end technology and concrete solutions for the efficient use of resources and functions integration at the CCP Congress Centre.
“The industry is finally meeting again at Stanztec,” exclaims Bettina Schall, managing director of trade fair promoters P. E. Schall. “Global players in the field of stamping technology are looking forward to the expert gathering in June 2024, because they’ve had to wait for six years. But the time has finally come! Stanztec 2024 will once again be a great celebration!” Technology leaders will again be showcasing innovations from the fields of toolmaking, stamping technology and peripherals for the production of highly specialised precision products, which are used extensively and are indispensable. “The topics of energy efficiency, reduced consumption of materials, minimised waste and maximum productivity are now fully in focus in stamping technology as well,” explains Georg Knauer, Stanztec project manager at trade fair promoters P. E. Schall. “Digitalisation and automation will thus be key themes throughout the entire exhibition. Intelligent machines and tools, maximum output with reduced energy consumption and functions integration are at the centre of attention everywhere. Stanztec’s exhibitors include world market leaders who have prepared themselves for the production transformation which is now in full swing. We’ll experience the industry’s concentrated innovative strength in Pforzheim and see lots of future-proof technologies,” promises the project manager, who describes the booking status as “excellent” already six months before the trade fair opens.
Concentrated Technological Expertise, Large Numbers of International Expert Visitors
A highly interested, international expert audience from many different countries will once again animate the trade fair with around 150 exhibitors at the CCP Congress Centre in 2024, and discuss current trends and challenges. Stanztec’s thematic focus, its concentration on high-end technology and the targeted implementation of new solutions make a visit to the trade fair especially interesting. The high concentration of specialists in “Stamping Technology Valley” is unique throughout the world. The northern Black Forest, and in particular the region surrounding Pforzheim, has traditionally been a centre for stamping and forming technology. This is why the CCP Congress Centre has served as Stanztec’s venue for years, bringing together the exclusive community of stamping technology experts. Not only do they demonstrate the concentrated power of the industry sector, but rather regional ties as well. The companies located in “Stamping Technology Valley” constitute an internationally active interest group and appear at Stanztec as a regionally organised community. “As usual, the trade fair advisory board pays special attention to the basic values – “expertise and regionality” – when organising the trade fair in close cooperation with Schall project management. Thanks to support provided by the responsible persons from city government as well, the event can once again emphasise the importance of Pforzheim as a business location together with Enzkreis county and the surrounding regions. In any case, the advisory board is looking forward to this industry event with great optimism,” says spokesperson Klaus Müller. The focus is on even greater cost-effectiveness and consolidated future viability for users who utilise stamping technology for production in a wide range of industries. Intelligent tools and production equipment, easy-to-operate machines and networked components are in demand. New requirements for peripherals with regard to feeding and parts disposal must also be fulfilled. Last but not least, the ongoing shortage of qualified stamping specialists is also a problem. The industry is thus forced to respond to numerous challenges including increasing product customisation, smaller batch sizes, increasingly complex part geometries and ever stricter demands in terms of quality and precision. As sought-after suppliers in various industries, stamping technology specialists are looking forward to three days at Stanztec in Pforzheim from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. The Pforzheim trade fair, which takes place once every two years, will be an exclusive industry highlight again in 2024.
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Schall has developed successful business platforms with the internationally renowned trade fairs for quality assurance (Control), optical technologies, components and systems (Optatec), stamping technology (Stanztec), production and assembly automation (Motek), bonding technology (Bondexpo), plastics processing (Fakuma) as well as sheet metal working (Blechexpo) and joining technology (Schweisstec). They have given rise to entirely new markets in various industries whose leading figures are characterised by high levels of innovation, comprehensive systems expertise and practical application solutions.